On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 20:22:58 +0200
Michael Stein <address@hidden> wrote:
Sometimes I think, I'm the only one with some problems.
After testing 3 or 4 version of enigma, every time the same happens.
I'm running suse 9.0.
I can`t control the mouse.
I tried changes with mousespeeder,
I tried kde, fvwm2 and gnome (my preferd)
I tried different version of suse (8.x) and different version of enigma.
I tried to compile one version (but I gave it up after 5 minutes ...)
Does somebody knows this problem and can help me? I loved this game so much on my atari....
Michael Stein
What do you mean by "I can't control the mouse"? When I was new
to enigma, I once had the problem that the ball reacted much too
strong to little mouse movements. Later I found out that the mouse
speed can be contolled by the arrow keys and that appearently I
had pressed the arrows several times before trying to use the
Perhaps it would be a good idea to give a hint about this feature
somewhere if this happens to several persons.
I found this feature, thanks. But it doesn't help. Can't control means: