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Re: Refresher on including R/ggplot2 output via latex/pdf?

From: John Hendy
Subject: Re: Refresher on including R/ggplot2 output via latex/pdf?
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2019 23:40:34 -0500

On Sun, Oct 27, 2019 at 11:31 PM Jack Kamm <address@hidden> wrote:
> Your code block looks fine to me. The typical R code block headers I use is 
> as follows:

Did you try to reproduce my example, by chance?

> :session :results output graphics :file path/to/file.png :exports results 
> :eval never-export

Using this:
#+begin_src R :session :results output graphics :file foo.png :exports
results :eval never-export

df <- data.frame(x=c(1, 2), y=c(2, 4))
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point()

I get an empty #+RESULTS: header, but no inserted file link. The plot
is not in the exported PDF either.

If I make it this:
#+begin_src R :session :results file graphics :file foo.png :exports
results :eval never-export

I get the expected results, and the plot is in the output PDF.

> One thing I've noticed, if I have an existing graphics device open, it
> can mess up plots when executing an org-babel cell. Calling dev.off() a
> few times fixes this for me.
> Note I pretty much always use R blocks with the :session argument,
> things might be pretty different without it.

I usually use :session as well (and have it in my actual document, but
left it off for this test case). Still, using your header (minus
changing the file path/type) didn't work for me.

Thanks for taking a look,

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