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Re: [O] [bug] timed repeater shows up in wrong place

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: [O] [bug] timed repeater shows up in wrong place
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 12:12:46 -0700

ok, i have a new -Q minimal testcase, which is attached.  it explains
how to run it at the top.

the relevant part is at the bottom, so you could just copy that if you
prefer to try your own setup instead.  it's 3 lines.

the task is this:

*********** NEXT xyzzy test
SCHEDULED: <2016-11-07 Mon 17:00 .+1d>
make this be a date that is before real-time today
it should show up in agenda time grid
but it does not

note that this time, (setq org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all nil).

run the testcase twice
  once with delorgsrc=vanilla-org-9-dir
  once with vanilla org "8.2.10"
    this is the standard org version in my emacs version

you will get time grid for the task in org 8 but not in org 9.

i hope this will be totally reproducible no matter what your recent
emacs version.


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Attachment: alpha-org-testcase.el
Description: Text Data

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