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Re: [O] Outline cycling does not preserve point's position

From: Nicolas Goaziou
Subject: Re: [O] Outline cycling does not preserve point's position
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 17:19:52 +0200

Jambunathan K <address@hidden> writes:

> `org-forward-paragraph' is much better.  As long as the docstring or
> comments mention that Org's notion of paragraph is much more nuanced or
> richer than a text-mode's notion of paragraph.  

OK. Suggestions welcome.

Meanwhile, here is an updated version for the function:

(defun org-forward-linear-element ()
  "Move forward to next element, ignoring depth.
The function implements some special moves for convenience:
  - On an affiliated keyword, jump to the beginning of the
    relative element.
  - On an item or a footnote definition, move to the second
    element inside, if any.
  - On a table, jump after it.
  - On a verse block, stop after each blank line."
  (when (eobp) (user-error "Cannot move further down"))
  (let* ((element (org-element-at-point))
         (type (org-element-type element))
         (post-affiliated (org-element-property :post-affiliated element))
         (contents-begin (org-element-property :contents-begin element))
         (contents-end (org-element-property :contents-end element))
         (end (let ((end (org-element-property :end element)) (parent element))
                (while (and (setq parent (org-element-property :parent parent))
                            (= (org-element-property :contents-end parent) end))
                  (setq end (org-element-property :end parent)))
    (cond ((not element)
           (skip-chars-forward " \r\t\n")
           (or (eobp) (beginning-of-line)))
          ;; On affiliated keywords, move to element's beginning.
          ((and post-affiliated (< (point) post-affiliated))
           (goto-char post-affiliated))
          ;; At a table row, move to the end of the table.
          ((eq type 'table-row)
           (goto-char (org-element-property
                       :end (org-element-property :parent element))))
          ((eq type 'table) (goto-char end))
          ((not contents-begin) (goto-char end))
          ;; If current element contents are invisible, skip the
          ;; element altogether.
          ((outline-invisible-p (line-end-position))
           (if (not (eq type 'plain-list)) (goto-char end)
             ;; At a plain list, make sure we move to the next item
             ;; instead of skipping the whole list.
          ((>= (point) contents-end) (goto-char end))
          ((>= (point) contents-begin)
           ;; Handle special cases.  In all other situations, point
           ;; is where it should be.
           (case type
             (paragraph (goto-char end))
             ;; At a plain list, try to move to second element in
             ;; first item, if possible.
             (plain-list (end-of-line)
             ;; Consider blank lines as separators in verse blocks to
             ;; ease editing.
              (if (not (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*$" contents-end t))
                  (goto-char end)
                (skip-chars-forward " \r\t\n")
                (if (= (point) contents-end) (goto-char contents)
          ;; When contents start on the middle of a line (e.g. in
          ;; items and footnote definitions), try to reach first
          ;; element starting after current line.
          ((> (line-end-position) contents-begin)
          (t (goto-char contents-begin)))))


Nicolas Goaziou

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