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Re: [Orgmode] processing pending emails as part of your GTD system

From: Adam Spiers
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] processing pending emails as part of your GTD system
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 22:25:34 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.14 (2007-02-12)

Pete Phillips (address@hidden) wrote:
> This post is slighly off-topic, as it is not directly about org-mode.
> As many of you on the list will know, I'm a big fan of David Allen's GTD
> system, and over the years I have tweaked my use of MH and MH-E to help
> support this use.
> One thing I have done is design a method so that I can easily put emails
> into a set of 'pending' mail folders, and then get cron to process these
> and dump the emails back into my +inbox at appropriate dates.

That's interesting.  I'm also a fan of GTD and therefore also love
being able to get mail out of the inbox into the archives, so that the
inbox only contains unprocessed mail.  However, as I mentioned a while
back on this list, I take a completely different approach to
implementing the "tickler" mechanism for allowing an archived mail to
regain visibility on a particular date:



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