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[elpa] externals/bluetooth 49ca390 55/57: puts single-use stuff into usi

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/bluetooth 49ca390 55/57: puts single-use stuff into using functions
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 23:29:01 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/bluetooth
commit 49ca39098f62a460572c01708e5964129f40a11e
Author: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>
Commit: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>

    puts single-use stuff into using functions
 bluetooth.el | 189 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bluetooth.el b/bluetooth.el
index 1c12c7c..1c389f7 100644
--- a/bluetooth.el
+++ b/bluetooth.el
@@ -191,15 +191,52 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
   "The Bluetooth mode keymap.")
+;;; This function returns a list of bluetooth adapters and devices
+;;; in the form
+;;; (("hci0"
+;;;   ("dev_78_AB_BB_DA_6C_7E" "dev_90_F1_AA_06_24_72")))
+;;; The first element of each (sub-) list is an adapter name, followed
+;;; by a list of devices known to this adapter.
+(defun bluetooth--get-devices ()
+  "Return a list of bluetooth adapters and devices connected to them."
+  (mapcar (lambda (a)
+           (list a (dbus-introspect-get-node-names
+                    bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service
+                    (concat bluetooth--root "/" a))))
+         (dbus-introspect-get-node-names
+          bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--root)))
+(defun bluetooth--dev-state (key device)
+  "Return state information regarding KEY for DEVICE."
+  (let ((value (cdr (assoc key (cadr device)))))
+    (cond ((stringp value) value)
+         ((null value) "no")
+         (t "yes"))))
 ;;; This function provides the list entries for the tabulated-list
 ;;; view.  It is called from `tabulated-list-print'.
 (defun bluetooth--list-entries ()
   "Provide the list entries for the tabulated view."
   (setq bluetooth--device-info
-       (bluetooth--get-device-info (bluetooth--get-devices)))
-  (bluetooth--compile-list-entries bluetooth--device-info))
+       (mapcan
+        (lambda (devlist)
+          (cl-loop for dev in (cadr devlist)
+                   for path = (mapconcat #'identity
+                                         (list bluetooth--root (car devlist) 
+                                         "/")
+                   collect (cons dev (list (dbus-get-all-properties
+                                            bluetooth-bluez-bus
+                                            bluetooth--service path
+                                            (alist-get :device
+        (bluetooth--get-devices)))
+  (mapcar (lambda (dev)
+           (list (car dev)
+                 (cl-map 'vector (lambda (key) (bluetooth--dev-state key dev))
+                         (mapcar #'car bluetooth--list-format))))
+         bluetooth--device-info))
-;;; This function updates the list view.
 (defun bluetooth--update-list ()
   "Update the list view."
   (with-current-buffer bluetooth-buffer-name
@@ -227,69 +264,6 @@ For documentation, see URL 
-;;; This function returns a list of bluetooth adapters and devices
-;;; in the form
-;;; (("hci0"
-;;;   ("dev_78_AB_BB_DA_6C_7E" "dev_90_F1_AA_06_24_72")))
-;;; The first element of each (sub-) list is an adapter name, followed
-;;; by a list of devices known to this adapter.
-(defun bluetooth--get-devices ()
-  "Return a list of bluetooth adapters and devices connected to them."
-  (mapcar (lambda (a)
-           (list a (dbus-introspect-get-node-names
-                    bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service
-                    (concat bluetooth--root "/" a))))
-         (dbus-introspect-get-node-names
-          bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--root)))
-;;; Given a device list as obtained from `bluetooth--get-devices'
-;;; this function gathers all the properties of each device.
-;;; The data is returned in the following structure (alist of alists):
-;; (("dev_78_AB_BB_DA_6C_7E"
-;;   (("Address" . "78:AB:BB:DA:6C:7E")
-;;    ("AddressType" . "public")
-;;    ...
-;;    ("ServicesResolved")))
-;;  ("dev_90_F1_AA_06_24_72"
-;;   (("Address" . "90:F1:AA:06:24:72")
-;;    ("AddressType" . "public")
-;;    ...
-;;    ("ServicesResolved"))))
-(defun bluetooth--get-device-info (devices)
-  "Return a list with information about DEVICES."
-  (mapcan
-   (lambda (devlist)
-     (cl-loop for dev in (cadr devlist)
-             for path = (mapconcat #'identity
-                                   (list bluetooth--root (car devlist) dev)
-                                   "/")
-             collect (cons dev (list (dbus-get-all-properties
-                                      bluetooth-bluez-bus
-                                      bluetooth--service path
-                                      (alist-get :device
-                                                 bluetooth--interfaces))))))
-   devices))
-(defun bluetooth--dev-state (key device)
-  "Return state information regarding KEY for DEVICE."
-  (let ((value (cdr (assoc key (cadr device)))))
-    (cond ((stringp value) value)
-         ((eq nil value) "no")
-         (t "yes"))))
-;;; This function compiles a list of device information in the
-;;; format needed by `tabulated-list-print'.
-(defun bluetooth--compile-list-entries (device-info)
-  "Compile list entries based on previously gathered DEVICE-INFO."
-  (mapcar (lambda (dev)
-           (list (car dev)
-                 (cl-map 'vector (lambda (key) (bluetooth--dev-state key dev))
-                         (mapcar #'car bluetooth--list-format))))
-         device-info))
 ;;; Build up the index for Imenu.  This function is used as
 ;;; `imenu-create-index-function'.
 (defun bluetooth--create-imenu-index ()
@@ -300,19 +274,6 @@ For documentation, see URL 
           do (forward-line 1)
           collect (cons (elt entry 0) pos)))
-(defun bluetooth-remove-device ()
-  "Remove Bluetooth device at point."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((dev-id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
-    (when dev-id
-      (bluetooth--call-method dev-id
-                             :adapter
-                             #'dbus-call-method-asynchronously
-                             "RemoveDevice"
-                             #'bluetooth--update-list
-                             :timeout bluetooth--timeout
-                             :object-path :path-devid))))
 ;;; This function calls FUNCTION with ARGS given the device-id DEV-ID and
 ;;; Bluez API.  This is used on D-Bus functions.
 (defun bluetooth--call-method (dev-id api function &rest args)
@@ -401,14 +362,33 @@ This function only uses the first adapter reported by 
     (bluetooth--handle-prop-change (alist-get :adapter bluetooth--interfaces)
+;;; This function is registered as a kill-buffer-hook, so we don't
+;;; want any errors get in the way of killing the buffer
 (defun bluetooth--cleanup ()
   "Clean up when mode buffer is killed."
-  (bluetooth--unregister-agent)
   (setq mode-line-misc-info
        (cl-remove bluetooth--mode-info mode-line-misc-info))
+    (dbus-call-method bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--root
+                     (alist-get :agent-manager bluetooth--interfaces)
+                     "UnregisterAgent"
+                     :object-path bluetooth--own-path)
+    (mapc #'dbus-unregister-object bluetooth--method-objects)
     (dbus-unregister-object bluetooth--adapter-signal)))
+(defun bluetooth-remove-device ()
+  "Remove Bluetooth device at point."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((dev-id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
+    (when dev-id
+      (bluetooth--call-method dev-id
+                             :adapter
+                             #'dbus-call-method-asynchronously
+                             "RemoveDevice"
+                             #'bluetooth--update-list
+                             :timeout bluetooth--timeout
+                             :object-path :path-devid))))
 (defun bluetooth-end-of-list ()
   "Move cursor to the last list element."
@@ -578,51 +558,42 @@ For documentation, see URL 
                 p-uuid alias)))))
+;;; This function usually gets called (from D-Bus) while we are
+;;; in the minibuffer trying to read a passkey or PIN.  Tha call to
+;;; `keyboard-quit' is used to break out of there.
 (defun bluetooth--cancel ()
   "Cancel a pairing process."
   (message "Pairing canceled"))
-(defconst bluetooth--methods
-  '("Release" "RequestPinCode" "DisplayPinCode" "RequestPasskey"
-    "DisplayPasskey" "RequestConfirmation" "RequestAuthorization"
-    "AuthorizeService" "Cancel")
-  "D-Bus method names for the agent interface.")
 ;;; This procedure registers the pairing agent.
 (defun bluetooth--register-agent ()
   "Register as a pairing agent."
   ;; register all the methods
-    (setq bluetooth--method-objects
-         (cl-loop for method in bluetooth--methods
-                  with case-fold-search = nil
-                  for fname = (concat "bluetooth-"
-                                      (replace-regexp-in-string
-                                       "[A-Z][a-z]+"
-                                       (lambda (x) (concat "-" (downcase x)))
-                                       method t))
-                  collect (dbus-register-method bluetooth-bluez-bus
-                                                dbus-service-emacs
-                                                bluetooth--own-path
-                                                (alist-get :agent
-                                                method (intern fname) t))))
+    (let ((methods '("Release" "RequestPinCode" "DisplayPinCode"
+                    "RequestPasskey" "DisplayPasskey" "RequestConfirmation"
+                    "RequestAuthorization" "AuthorizeService" "Cancel")))
+      (setq bluetooth--method-objects
+           (cl-loop for method in methods
+                    with case-fold-search = nil
+                    for fname = (concat "bluetooth-"
+                                        (replace-regexp-in-string
+                                         "[A-Z][a-z]+"
+                                         (lambda (x) (concat "-" (downcase x)))
+                                         method t))
+                    collect (dbus-register-method bluetooth-bluez-bus
+                                                  dbus-service-emacs
+                                                  bluetooth--own-path
+                                                  (alist-get :agent
+                                                  method (intern fname) t)))))
   (dbus-register-service :session dbus-service-emacs)
   (dbus-call-method bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--root
                    (alist-get :agent-manager bluetooth--interfaces)
                    :object-path bluetooth--own-path "KeyboardDisplay"))
-(defun bluetooth--unregister-agent ()
-  "Unregister the pairing agent."
-  (ignore-errors
-    (dbus-call-method bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--root
-                     (alist-get :agent-manager bluetooth--interfaces)
-                     "UnregisterAgent"
-                     :object-path bluetooth--own-path)
-    (mapc #'dbus-unregister-object bluetooth--method-objects)))
 ;;; Application layer
 ;;; The following constants define the meaning of the Bluetooth

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