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[elpa] externals/bluetooth 2ce2322 49/57: improves device info printing

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/bluetooth 2ce2322 49/57: improves device info printing
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 23:28:57 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/bluetooth
commit 2ce2322ed400d9f53675756bc022368703afe7c3
Author: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>
Commit: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>

    improves device info printing
 bluetooth.el | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bluetooth.el b/bluetooth.el
index a8b91a7..86a0b7c 100644
--- a/bluetooth.el
+++ b/bluetooth.el
@@ -54,7 +54,23 @@
   "D-Bus bus that Bluez is registered on.
 This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system service, or
 `:session' if it runs as a user service."
-  :type '(symbol))
+  :type '(symbol)
+  :group 'bluetooth)
+(defgroup bluetooth-faces nil
+  "Faces used by Bluetooth mode."
+  :group 'faces)
+(defface bluetooth-info-heading
+  '((t . (:foreground "royal blue" :weight bold)))
+  "Face for device info headings."
+  :group 'bluetooth-faces)
+(defface bluetooth-info-attribute
+  '((t . (:slant italic)))
+  "Face for device attribute names."
+  :group 'bluetooth-faces)
 (defconst bluetooth-buffer-name "*Bluetooth*"
   "Name of the buffer in which to list bluetooth devices.")
@@ -1391,42 +1407,52 @@ For documentation, see URL 
 (defun bluetooth-show-device-info ()
   "Show detail information on the device at point."
-  (let ((dev-id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
-    (when dev-id
-      (bluetooth--with-alias dev-id
-       (with-current-buffer-window
-        "*Bluetooth device info*" nil nil
-        (let* ((props (bluetooth--call-method
-                       (car (last (split-string dev-id "/"))) :device
-                       #'dbus-get-all-properties))
-               (address (cdr (assoc "Address" props)))
-               (rssi (cdr (assoc "RSSI" props)))
-               (class (cdr (assoc "Class" props)))
-               (uuids (cdr (assoc "UUIDs" props))))
-          (insert "Alias:\t\t" alias "\n")
-          (when address
-            (insert "Address:\t" address "\n"))
-          (when rssi
-            (insert "RSSI:\t\t" (number-to-string rssi) "\n"))
-          (when class
-            (let ((p-class (bluetooth--parse-class class)))
-              (insert "\nService and device classes:\n")
-              (mapc (lambda (x)
-                      (insert (car x) ":\n")
-                      (if (listp (cadr x))
-                          (dolist (elt (cadr x))
-                            (insert "\t" elt "\n"))
-                        (insert "\t" (cadr x) "\n")))
-                    p-class)))
-          (when uuids
-            (insert "\nServices (UUIDs):\n")
-            (dolist (id uuids)
-              (insert (mapconcat #'identity
-                                 (or (bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid id)
-                                     (list id))
-                                 " -- ")
-                      "\n"))))
-        (special-mode))))))
+  (cl-flet ((ins-heading (text)
+                        (insert (propertize text 'face
+                                            'bluetooth-info-heading)))
+           (ins-attr (attr value)
+                     (insert (propertize (format "%10s" attr)
+                                         'face
+                                         'bluetooth-info-attribute))
+                     (insert ": " value "\n")))
+    (let ((dev-id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
+      (when dev-id
+       (bluetooth--with-alias dev-id
+         (with-current-buffer-window
+          "*Bluetooth device info*" nil nil
+          (let ((props (bluetooth--call-method
+                        (car (last (split-string dev-id "/"))) :device
+                        #'dbus-get-all-properties)))
+            (ins-heading "Bluetooth device info\n\n")
+            (ins-attr "Alias" alias)
+            (when-let (address (cdr (assoc "Address" props)))
+              (ins-attr "Address" address))
+            (when-let (rssi (cdr (assoc "RSSI" props)))
+              (ins-attr "RSSI" (number-to-string rssi)))
+            (when-let (class (cdr (assoc "Class" props)))
+              (let ((p-class (bluetooth--parse-class class)))
+                (ins-heading "\nService and device classes\n")
+                (dolist (x p-class)
+                  (insert (propertize
+                           (format "%s:\n"  (car x))
+                           'face 'bluetooth-info-attribute))
+                  (if (listp (cadr x))
+                      (dolist (elt (cadr x))
+                        (insert (format "%15s %s\n" "" elt)))
+                    (insert (format "%15s %s\n" "" (cadr x)))))))
+            (when-let (uuids (cdr (assoc "UUIDs" props)))
+              (ins-heading "\nSerives (UUIDs)\n")
+              (dolist (id uuids)
+                (let ((desc (or (bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid id)
+                                (list id))))
+                  (when (car desc)
+                    (insert (format "%30s  " (car desc))))
+                  (when (cadr desc)
+                    (insert (format "%s " (cadr desc))))
+                  (when (caddr desc)
+                    (insert (format "(%s)" (caddr desc))))
+                  (insert "\n")))))
+          (special-mode)))))))
 (provide 'bluetooth)

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