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[elpa] externals/bluetooth 44e81ed 42/57: rearranges UUID data and funct

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/bluetooth 44e81ed 42/57: rearranges UUID data and functions, concentrates interface names
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 23:28:56 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/bluetooth
commit 44e81ed0221212f5d0485a329c1557159afdaa70
Author: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>
Commit: Raffael Stocker <address@hidden>

    rearranges UUID data and functions, concentrates interface names
    UUID and services data are now before functions that use them to avoid
    compilation warnings.
 bluetooth.el | 278 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bluetooth.el b/bluetooth.el
index d04323d..d2a4030 100644
--- a/bluetooth.el
+++ b/bluetooth.el
@@ -85,54 +85,17 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
 (defconst bluetooth--own-path (concat dbus-path-emacs "/bluetooth")
   "D-Bus object path for the pairing agent.")
-(defconst bluetooth--agent-mngr-intf "org.bluez.AgentManager1"
-  "D-Bus interface name for the agent manager.")
-(defconst bluetooth--agent-intf "org.bluez.Agent1"
-  "D-Bus interface name for the agent.")
 (defvar bluetooth--method-objects '() "D-Bus method objects.")
   (defconst bluetooth--base-uuid "0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
     "Bluetooth base UUID."))
-;;; API description:
-;;; This is a plist of plists, providing API information for the
-;;; implemented D-Bus APIs.
-;;; For instance, API :device has path-spec (bluetooth--adapter
-;;; bluetooth--device) and interface "org.bluez.Device1".
-;;; The path-spec is a list of functions, defined below, that
-;;; return the designated constituents of the D-Bus path.
-(defconst bluetooth--api-info '(:device
-                               (:path
-                                (bluetooth--adapter bluetooth--device)
-                                :interface "org.bluez.Device1")
-                               :adapter
-                               (:path
-                                (bluetooth--adapter)
-                                :interface "org.bluez.Adapter1"))
-  "Bluez D-Bus API information about paths and interfaces.")
-;;; The following functions provide the constituents of the path
-;;; spec in `bluetooth--api-info'.
-(defun bluetooth--adapter (dev-id)
-  "Return the adapter of DEV-ID."
-  (bluetooth--dev-state "Adapter" (assoc dev-id bluetooth--device-info)))
-(defun bluetooth--root (_)
-  "Return the root, ignoring DEV-ID."
-  bluetooth--root)
-(defun bluetooth--device (dev-id)
-  "Return the device name of DEV-ID."
-  dev-id)
-;;; end of path spec functions
+(defconst bluetooth--interfaces '((:device . "org.bluez.Device1")
+                                 (:adapter . "org.bluez.Adapter1")
+                                 (:agent-manager . "org.bluez.AgentManager1")
+                                 (:agent . "org.bluez.Agent1"))
+  "Bluez D-Bus interfaces.")
 ;;; Default timeout for D-Bus commands
 (defvar bluetooth--timeout 5000 "Default timeout for Bluez D-Bus access.")
@@ -264,7 +227,8 @@ For documentation, see URL 
              collect (cons dev (list (dbus-get-all-properties
                                       bluetooth--service path
-                                      "org.bluez.Device1")))))
+                                      (alist-get :device
+                                                 bluetooth--interfaces))))))
 (defun bluetooth--dev-state (key device)
@@ -369,10 +333,11 @@ This function only uses the first adapter reported by 
         (resp (dbus-get-all-properties bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service
                                        (concat bluetooth--root "/"
                                                (car adapters))
-                                       "org.bluez.Adapter1"))
+                                       (alist-get :adapter
+                                                  bluetooth--interfaces)))
         (info (mapconcat #'identity
                          (-keep (lambda (x) (if (cdr (assoc (car x) resp))
-                                           (cadr x) (caddr x)))
+                                                (cadr x) (caddr x)))
     (unless (string-blank-p info)
@@ -494,9 +459,9 @@ For documentation, see URL 
     (bluetooth--with-alias device
       (let ((p-uuid (bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid uuid)))
-         (y-or-n-p
-          (format "Authorize Bluetooth service `%s' for device `%s'? "
-                  p-uuid alias)))))
+       (y-or-n-p
+        (format "Authorize Bluetooth service `%s' for device `%s'? "
+                p-uuid alias)))))
 (defun bluetooth--cancel ()
@@ -526,127 +491,26 @@ For documentation, see URL 
                   collect (dbus-register-method bluetooth-bluez-bus
-                                                bluetooth--agent-intf
+                                                (alist-get :agent
                                                 method (intern fname) t))))
   (dbus-register-service :session dbus-service-emacs)
   (dbus-call-method bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--root
-                   bluetooth--agent-mngr-intf "RegisterAgent"
+                   (alist-get :agent-manager bluetooth--interfaces)
+                   "RegisterAgent"
                    :object-path bluetooth--own-path "KeyboardDisplay"))
 (defun bluetooth--unregister-agent ()
   "Unregister the pairing agent."
     (dbus-call-method bluetooth-bluez-bus bluetooth--service bluetooth--root
-                     bluetooth--agent-mngr-intf "UnregisterAgent"
+                     (alist-get :agent-manager bluetooth--interfaces)
+                     "UnregisterAgent"
                      :object-path bluetooth--own-path)
     (mapc #'dbus-unregister-object bluetooth--method-objects)))
 ;;; Application layer
-(defun bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid (uuid)
-  "Parse UUID and return short and long service class names."
-  (let ((uuid-re (rx (seq bos (submatch (= 8 xdigit))
-                         "-" (eval bluetooth--base-uuid) eos))))
-    (save-match-data
-      (when (string-match uuid-re uuid)
-       (let ((service-id (string-to-number (match-string 1 uuid) 16)))
-         (or (alist-get service-id
-                        (symbol-value
-                         (cdr (-find (lambda (x) (>= service-id (car x)))
-                                 bluetooth--uuid-alists))))
-             (list  (format "#x%08x" service-id) "unknown")))))))
-(defun bluetooth--parse-class (class)
-  "Parse the CLASS property of a Bluetooth device."
-  (cl-labels ((parse (field-def acc)
-                    (let-alist field-def
-                      (let* ((m-field (lsh (logand class .mask) .shift))
-                             (res (cons .name
-                                        (list (funcall .fn m-field .data))))
-                             (n-acc (push res acc)))
-                        (cond ((functionp .next)
-                               (let ((spec (funcall .next m-field .data)))
-                                 (if spec
-                                     (parse spec n-acc)
-                                   (nreverse n-acc))))
-                              ((not (null .next))
-                               (parse (symbol-value .next) n-acc))
-                              (t (nreverse n-acc)))))))
-    (parse bluetooth--class-major-services '())))
-(defun bluetooth--class-parse-bitfield (bitfield data)
-  "Parse BITFIELD using DATA as specification."
-  (or (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                      (if (/= 0 (logand bitfield (lsh 1 (car x))))
-                          (cdr x)
-                        nil))
-                       data))
-      "unknown"))
-(defun bluetooth--class-parse-major (field data)
-  "Parse major class FIELD using DATA as specification."
-  (or (car (alist-get field data))
-      "unknown"))
-(defun bluetooth--class-parse-value (field data)
-  "Parse minor class FIELD using DATA as specification."
-  (or (alist-get field data)
-      "unknown"))
-(defun bluetooth--class-parse-peripheral (field data)
-  "Parse peripheral class FIELD using DATA as specification."
-  (or (list (bluetooth--class-parse-value (logand (caar data) field)
-                                         (cdar data))
-           (bluetooth--class-parse-value (logand (caadr data) field)
-                                         (cdadr data)))
-      "unknown"))
-(defun bluetooth--class-get-minor (field data)
-  "Get the minor field spec for FIELD using DATA as specification."
-  (symbol-value (cdr (alist-get field data))))
-(defun bluetooth-show-device-info ()
-  "Show detail information on the device at point."
-  (interactive)
-  (bluetooth--show-device-info (tabulated-list-get-id)))
-(defun bluetooth--show-device-info (device)
-  "Show information about DEVICE in a temp buffer"
-  (bluetooth--with-alias device
-    (with-current-buffer-window
-     "*Bluetooth device info*" nil nil
-     (let* ((props (bluetooth--call-method
-                    (car (last (split-string device "/"))) :device
-                    #'dbus-get-all-properties))
-          (address (cdr (assoc "Address" props)))
-          (rssi (cdr (assoc "RSSI" props)))
-          (class (cdr (assoc "Class" props)))
-          (uuids (cdr (assoc "UUIDs" props))))
-       (insert "Alias:\t\t" alias "\n")
-       (when address
-        (insert "Address:\t" address "\n"))
-       (when rssi
-        (insert "RSSI:\t\t" (number-to-string rssi) "\n"))
-       (when class
-        (let ((p-class (bluetooth--parse-class class)))
-          (insert "\nService and device classes:\n")
-          (mapc (lambda (x)
-                  (insert (car x) ":\n")
-                  (if (listp (cadr x))
-                      (dolist (elt (cadr x))
-                        (insert "\t" elt "\n"))
-                    (insert "\t" (cadr x) "\n")))
-                p-class)))
-       (when uuids
-        (insert "\nServices (UUIDs):\n")
-        (dolist (id uuids)
-          (insert (mapconcat #'identity
-                             (or (bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid id)
-                                 (list id))
-                             " -- ")
-                  "\n"))))
-     (special-mode))))
 ;;; The following constants define the meaning of the Bluetooth
 ;;; CLASS property, which is made up of a number of fields.
 ;;; The following components are used:
@@ -1048,8 +912,6 @@ For documentation, see URL 
     (#xFFFE . ("AirFuel Alliance" "Wireless Power Transfer Service")))
   "Bluetooth standards development organizations UUIDS.")
-;;; This is a very long list of manufacturer UUIDs and therefore
-;;; the last thing in this file.
 (defconst bluetooth--member-uuid-alist
   '((#xFEFF . ("GN Netcom"))
     (#xFEFE . ("GN ReSound A/S"))
@@ -1430,6 +1292,108 @@ For documentation, see URL 
     (#xFD87 . ("Google LLC")))
   "Bluetooth manufacturer UUIDs.")
+(defun bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid (uuid)
+  "Parse UUID and return short and long service class names."
+  (let ((uuid-re (rx (seq bos (submatch (= 8 xdigit))
+                         "-" (eval bluetooth--base-uuid) eos))))
+    (save-match-data
+      (when (string-match uuid-re uuid)
+       (let ((service-id (string-to-number (match-string 1 uuid) 16)))
+         (or (alist-get service-id
+                        (symbol-value
+                         (cdr (-find (lambda (x) (>= service-id (car x)))
+                                     bluetooth--uuid-alists))))
+             (list  (format "#x%08x" service-id) "unknown")))))))
+(defun bluetooth--parse-class (class)
+  "Parse the CLASS property of a Bluetooth device."
+  (cl-labels ((parse (field-def acc)
+                    (let-alist field-def
+                      (let* ((m-field (lsh (logand class .mask) .shift))
+                             (res (cons .name
+                                        (list (funcall .fn m-field .data))))
+                             (n-acc (push res acc)))
+                        (cond ((functionp .next)
+                               (let ((spec (funcall .next m-field .data)))
+                                 (if spec
+                                     (parse spec n-acc)
+                                   (nreverse n-acc))))
+                              ((not (null .next))
+                               (parse (symbol-value .next) n-acc))
+                              (t (nreverse n-acc)))))))
+    (parse bluetooth--class-major-services '())))
+(defun bluetooth--class-parse-bitfield (bitfield data)
+  "Parse BITFIELD using DATA as specification."
+  (or (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                         (if (/= 0 (logand bitfield (lsh 1 (car x))))
+                             (cdr x)
+                           nil))
+                       data))
+      "unknown"))
+(defun bluetooth--class-parse-major (field data)
+  "Parse major class FIELD using DATA as specification."
+  (or (car (alist-get field data))
+      "unknown"))
+(defun bluetooth--class-parse-value (field data)
+  "Parse minor class FIELD using DATA as specification."
+  (or (alist-get field data)
+      "unknown"))
+(defun bluetooth--class-parse-peripheral (field data)
+  "Parse peripheral class FIELD using DATA as specification."
+  (or (list (bluetooth--class-parse-value (logand (caar data) field)
+                                         (cdar data))
+           (bluetooth--class-parse-value (logand (caadr data) field)
+                                         (cdadr data)))
+      "unknown"))
+(defun bluetooth--class-get-minor (field data)
+  "Get the minor field spec for FIELD using DATA as specification."
+  (symbol-value (cdr (alist-get field data))))
+(defun bluetooth-show-device-info ()
+  "Show detail information on the device at point."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((dev-id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
+    (when dev-id
+      (bluetooth--with-alias dev-id
+       (with-current-buffer-window
+        "*Bluetooth device info*" nil nil
+        (let* ((props (bluetooth--call-method
+                       (car (last (split-string dev-id "/"))) :device
+                       #'dbus-get-all-properties))
+               (address (cdr (assoc "Address" props)))
+               (rssi (cdr (assoc "RSSI" props)))
+               (class (cdr (assoc "Class" props)))
+               (uuids (cdr (assoc "UUIDs" props))))
+          (insert "Alias:\t\t" alias "\n")
+          (when address
+            (insert "Address:\t" address "\n"))
+          (when rssi
+            (insert "RSSI:\t\t" (number-to-string rssi) "\n"))
+          (when class
+            (let ((p-class (bluetooth--parse-class class)))
+              (insert "\nService and device classes:\n")
+              (mapc (lambda (x)
+                      (insert (car x) ":\n")
+                      (if (listp (cadr x))
+                          (dolist (elt (cadr x))
+                            (insert "\t" elt "\n"))
+                        (insert "\t" (cadr x) "\n")))
+                    p-class)))
+          (when uuids
+            (insert "\nServices (UUIDs):\n")
+            (dolist (id uuids)
+              (insert (mapconcat #'identity
+                                 (or (bluetooth--parse-service-class-uuid id)
+                                     (list id))
+                                 " -- ")
+                      "\n"))))
+        (special-mode))))))
 (provide 'bluetooth)
 ;;; bluetooth.el ends here

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