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Re: ert buffer isolation

From: Daniil Iaitskov
Subject: Re: ert buffer isolation
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 16:31:54 -0900
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Emacs predates unit tests practices, but the system should follow trends in the industry.

I anticipate that tests in Emacs might interfere other ways, but I did have a chance and I don't have the context to write shim covering these cases.

I found an article by Kent Beck (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Beck), who wrote a few popular books about testing software.


First 2 bullets on the list:

I published ert-scope (https://github.com/yaitskov/ert-scope) package with a shim to handle scope issue for buffers and files in sync and async tests.

(require 'ert)
(require 'ert-scope)

(ert-deftest sync-test ()
      (should-not (get-buffer "foo.txt"))
      (find-file "foo.txt")
      (should (= 1 (point-max)))
      (insert "foo")

On 1/26/25 07:26, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
From: Michael Albinus <michael.albinus@gmx.de>
Cc: emacs-devel@gnu.org
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 17:12:24 +0100

Daniil Iaitskov <dyaitskov@gmail.com> writes:

I wrote a few tests with ert package and noticed that buffers opened
inside ert-deftest

escape the test scope and stay alive.

It affects other tests e.g. find-file creates a buffer with a suffixed
name if a buffer

with name of file is already exist.

I spent more time on debugging because of this.

Test guidelines recommend tests should not influence each other.

So I suggest by default to wrap test body of ert-deftest with:

(defun scope-buffers (cb)
  "Kill all buffers created by CB."
  (let ((existed-buffers (buffer-list)))
    (unwind-protect (funcall cb)
      (mapc (lambda (b)
              (when (not (cl-find b existed-buffers))
                (message "Kill buffer [%s]" b)
                (kill-buffer b)))
I disagree. ERT test writers shall care of cleanup, so a recommended
template is

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(ert-deftest name ()
  (let (buffer tmp-file)
	(progn BODY)
      ;; Cleanup.
      (ignore-errors (kill-buffer buffer))
      (ignore-errors (delete-file tmp-file)))))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
I tend to agree.  It happens quite a lot that several tests reuse the
same buffers, so removing them as part of ert-deftest would be an
annoyance.  Besides, the effect of a test is much more than just
buffers and files it leaves behind: it's modes it activates, features
it loads, variables it changes, etc.  And those are impossible to undo
in general-purpose code.

Alternatively, we could extend ert-kill-all-test-buffers from ert-x.el
(or write a new function), which would be called in the Cleanup section.
Ideally, such a function would do more than just kill buffers.

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