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Re: Terminal matrices

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Terminal matrices
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 19:45:27 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

> Works with current master on macOS for me, with and without your patch.
> Should I look for something specific not working?

Let's say: What happens when you invoke info in a child frame and try to
use the Info menu bar entry from the global menu bar.  Does it work as

> Looking forward to your patch appearing on master! Thanks!

It has grown for two reasons: First I had to include the prior patch for
adding the appropriate menu bar items for the child frame when it is
selected.  Try as above: Do C-l followed by M-x info.  This should
change the menu bar to include Info.  Switch to the parent frame.  This
should remove the entry.  Switch back to the child frame and try to
select some submenu Menu Item from the Info menu bar item.  Does it work
as intended?

And I had to refine the various checks so that the special behavior is
only for tty child frames that have no menu bar with a root frame that
has a menu bar and everything with 'tty-menu-open-use-tmm' nil.


Attachment: child-frame-menubar.diff
Description: Text Data

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