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Re: scratch/igc renamed ad feature/igc [was: scratch/igc as a feature br

From: Pip Cet
Subject: Re: scratch/igc renamed ad feature/igc [was: scratch/igc as a feature branch]
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 16:25:03 +0000

"Michael Albinus" <michael.albinus@gmx.de> writes:

> Helmut Eller <eller.helmut@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi Helmut,
>>>> In Dockerfile.emba, I've added a now target emacs-igc. It installs
>>>> libmps-dev and libmps3, and it configures emacs --with-mps.
>> The libmps-dev in Debian is a "Multiprecision polynomial solver".  The
>> MPS library that we need is not packaged for Debian AFAIK.
> Oops. Then I need instructions how to build libmps on Debian. README-IGC
> is very short about Debian.

I think the configure && make build has been broken for ages (GCC added
compiler warnings and MPS incorrectly builds with -Werror).

This works:

RUN (cd mps/code && gcc -O2 -c mps.c && ar r libmps.a mps.o && cp libmps.a 
/usr/lib && cp mps*.h /usr/include)

However, this is definitely a TODO item for merging feature/igc: as long
as mps insists on adding -Werror to its default Makefiles, it'll break
again and again as GCC adds new warnings.  In effect, people who build
with -Werror are making it harder for GCC to add warnings.

I've mentioned this in the appropriate GitHub bug, but I doubt it'll be


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