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Re: a property "definition-type" would help find macro-defined tests

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: a property "definition-type" would help find macro-defined tests
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 09:17:11 +0200

> From: Stephen Gildea <stepheng+emacs@gildea.com>
> Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 15:45:11 -0800
> Regarding where to document function find-function-update-type-alist and 
> variable find-function-regexp-alist, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
> >   Why not in the same place where you describe this
> >   property?  Just add the description of the alist value and
> >   its elements.
> We could.  I'd be happy to push this and call it done.
> But it feels like it is in the wrong place.  Mostly, the
> section "Standard Symbol Properties" is a compact list of all
> the standard properties, and mostly it gives a short summary
> for each and xrefs the section containing a thorough
> discussion.  The part about definition-name and
> find-function-type-alist is the only part that is more than
> one paragraph long, and this would make it at least two
> paragraphs longer.
> I'd like to treat definition-name and find-function-type-alist
> the same as the others:  discuss them thoroughly in their own
> section, and reduce this section to a short paragraph with a
> cross reference.

That doesn't contradict my suggestion in any way.  I said nothing
about the section where this information should be added.  Describing
these properties in their own section is definitely fine by me.


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