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Re: a property "definition-type" would help find macro-defined tests

From: Eshel Yaron
Subject: Re: a property "definition-type" would help find macro-defined tests
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 08:30:17 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Hi Stephen,

Stephen Gildea <stepheng+emacs@gildea.com> writes:

> Eshel Yaron <me@eshelyaron.com> wrote:
>>   Yeah, but the first form is not enough, since in the current
>>   implementation you also need to extend find-function-regexp-alist,
>>   right?
> That is a compelling argument.  I'm pleased to see a design that doesn't
> require modifying the global find-function-regexp-alist.  I'm sold.

I'm glad, thank you for reconsidering!

> Here's a complete patch implementing your design.

Looks great, thanks.  I do see a few remaining references to the
definition-type property in documentation that we'd probably want to
update, namely in functions.text, symbols.texi, tips.text and ert.texi.
I can try and help with those documentation fixes if you want.

> For the macros that use this functionality, I provide a
> convenience function find-function-update-type-alist.
> I also fix ERT to always look up its tests with type
> 'ert--test'; there was a bug where 'ert-describe-test' doesn't
> set the type.  With 'definition-type' this didn't matter,
> because we overrode the type.  But now that we translate, ERT
> has to give us a correct starting type.

Makes sense.  BTW I now see that ERT uses both ert--test and ert-deftest
in find-function-regexp-alist, which seems like an oversight.
That's probably a topic for a separate discussion though :)

Best regards,


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