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Re: Proposal: A Get Started introduction to emacs [was: An anonymous IRC

From: Moakt Temporary Email
Subject: Re: Proposal: A Get Started introduction to emacs [was: An anonymous IRC user's opinion]
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 13:59:23 +0000

Hi Eli,

I did not get a follow up on the “Get Started” introduction to emacs.

By the way, I want to thank you for taking the time to read it.  It took me 
some effort and time to write it, so I appreciate that.

What is supposed to happen, so it can be added to emacs ?

Do you want me to complete it (filling the empty dots) ? 

I wanted to do that initially, but I thought that you know emacs better than 
me, to choose the correct words, and I though that you would be 
reviewing/correcting it anyway, that is why I preferred keeping them empty.  
But I made an effort not to leave a lot, they are too few, and can be quickly 

Thank you again

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