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igc statistics display

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: igc statistics display
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2025 09:22:10 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

The branch scratch/igc has an igc.el which contains a couple of
functions with which one can inspect some innards if the GC, igc-stats
and igc-root-stats.

That's useful I think, but I'd like to extend it so that one can see
what happens over a longer period of time. For that purpose, I've added
igc-start/stop-collecting-stats a while ago which collects CSV data in a
buffer every N seconds. I can import that CSV into a sqlite table and
display a (very simple) plot of a query, say what's happening for
conses, using DB Browser,

That as background.

What I'm looking for is something better. Ideally, I imagine something
working online, i.e. instead of writing CSV, I would send something to a
monitor program storing that data, and displaying plots of my choice.

I thought someone might have a similar use-case, and could give advice
what to use for something like that, preferably a small implementation
resistance, of course. Or, might be interesting helping, which would of
course be even better, because I'm a bit out of my comfort zone here.

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