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Re: Why have you disable mouse on TTY builds?

From: Angelo Graziosi
Subject: Re: Why have you disable mouse on TTY builds?
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2025 18:40:41 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Il 05/01/2025 17:53, Eli Zaretskii ha scritto:

So I guess this terminal somehow doesn't pass this test in xterm.el:

              ;; Only automatically enable xterm mouse on terminals
              ;; confirmed to still support all critical editing
              ;; workflows (bug#74833).
              (or (string-match-p xterm--auto-xt-mouse-allowed-types
                                  (tty-type (selected-frame)))
                  (and-let* ((name-and-version (xterm--query-name-and-version)))
                    (string-match-p xterm--auto-xt-mouse-allowed-names

It is strange that you have TERM set to xterm-256color, though.  I use
the same Windows Terminal, both with cmd.exe and with MSYS Bash, and I
don't see this value in any of them.  What shell do you run inside the
terminal?  Are you sure this setting of TERM is not something your
shell init files do?  Or maybe you use WSL or something?

I use bash. WT is configured in settings.json as

"colorScheme": "MSYS2-Theme",
                "commandline": "C:/msys64/usr/bin/bash --login",
                    "CHERE_INVOKING": "1",
                    "MSYS": "winsymlinks:nativestrict",
                    "MSYS2_PATH_TYPE": "inherit",
                    "MSYSTEM": "MSYS"
                "guid": "{fc173dff-fd24-43df-b40e-28853998c744}",
                "icon": "C:/msys64/msys2.ico",
                "name": "MSYS2 MSYS Shell",
                "startingDirectory": "C:/msys64/home/%USERNAME%"

In MSYS, UCRT64 and WSL, TERM has the same value xterm-256color. I grepped TERM in all .bashrc etc configuration files (also in /etc) but the result is empty.

MinTTY set TERM to xterm. If I start MinTTY (TERM==xterm) and there I type wsl to start WSL then even WSLstarted this way has TERM==xterm-256color

In short I did not find wher WT takes that value for TERM..

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