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Scheme REPL in Emacs don't show the prompt

From: Jakub T. Jankiewicz
Subject: Scheme REPL in Emacs don't show the prompt
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2025 19:15:56 +0100

I have a weird issue with my Scheme interpreter written in JavaScript.

I have a prompt: 'lips> ' and I execute the REPL with:

(defun lips ()
  "call run-scheme with LIPS interpreter."
  (run-scheme "/home/kuba/projects/jcubic/scheme/lips/bin/lips.js -q"))

It's my git repo, but the same happen with latest version that was published
to NPM. To reproduce you need to have node installed and run:

npm install -g @jcubic/lips@beta

and type

$ whereis lips

and use that path. If I change the prompt to anything else like lips$,
scheme> or repl> it do work just fine. But somehow the lips> is hidden in
scheme> Emacs.

I've tried `emacs -Q` and have the same issue.

What may be the issue? Why prompt lips> is not visible?

I have a minimal Node.js REPL, where I was testing auto-indent, and when I
changed the prompt from repl> to lips> it also works fine. I don't have any
idea where to even look at.

My Scheme REPL use to work in Emacs.

Jakub T. Jankiewicz, Senior Front-End Developer

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