Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2025 13:12:43 +0100
From: Angelo Graziosi <>
> Can you tell more about the terminal you are using? How do you start
> this terminal, and what program does it run?
> Also, does it set TERM to some value, and if so, to which value?
Windows Terminal is called in this way, it is
and one gets
$ echo $TERM
BTW, I reinstalled the previous TTY build (pure MSYS2),
GNU Emacs 31.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-cygwin)
of 2024-12-20
and it works with mouse settings commented out in init.el
;;(require 'mouse)
;;(require 'mwheel)
;;(unless window-system
;;(xterm-mouse-mode t)
;;(mouse-wheel-mode t))
The same does not work with current master build for TTY.
So I guess this terminal somehow doesn't pass this test in xterm.el:
;; Only automatically enable xterm mouse on terminals
;; confirmed to still support all critical editing
;; workflows (bug#74833).
(or (string-match-p xterm--auto-xt-mouse-allowed-types
(tty-type (selected-frame)))
(and-let* ((name-and-version
(string-match-p xterm--auto-xt-mouse-allowed-names