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Re: Request to distribute Casual packages on NonGNU ELPA

From: Charles Choi
Subject: Re: Request to distribute Casual packages on NonGNU ELPA
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 01:52:40 -0700

Dr. Stallman -

First off, my thanks and appreciation of your contributions to Emacs and to the 
GNU project. To answer your questions and then some:

1. The Casual project is an effort to build keyboard-driven menus as the 
primary interface to different modes offered in the Emacs ecosystem. These 
menus offer users discovery and recall of commands. These modes are either 
built-in or third party. 

2. It is not a design intent of Casual to help on-board users to the existing 
default bindings of a mode, nor to cater to users who already know them for 
which Casual is not their intended audience. That said, many existing default 
Emacs bindings are replicated in Casual. Such correspondence should be 
considered incidental.
3. Casual has no aims to be a mutually exclusive user interface. All existing 
user interfaces to commands (keybinding, mini-buffer prompt, mouse menus) are 
still available to the user.

4. Related to 3, Casual has no intent to exhaustively cover all modes available 
in Emacs with keyboard-driven menus.

5. The primary audience of these packages is me, Charles Y. Choi. The binding 
choices are solely my opinion. I have elected to share them in public as I 
believe others might wish to use a keyboard-driven interface in Emacs and are 
comfortable with my opinions.

6. I have submitted my packages for review for NonGNU ELPA publishing at the 
request of several users who feel that it would have value being distributed 
there. If my stated positions are not in alignment with ELPA's values and 
objectives, then please let me know immediately and I will not pursue this 
matter further.

Hopefully this clarifies my intent. 
Regards -


Charles Y. Choi, Ph.D.

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