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Re: Request to distribute Casual packages on NonGNU ELPA

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Request to distribute Casual packages on NonGNU ELPA
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 18:30:22 +0000

Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> writes:

> Charles Choi <kickingvegas@gmail.com> writes:
>> Greetings Emacs Devel -
>> Over the course of this past year, I have published a number of
>> Emacs packages that offer Transient-based user interfaces for
>> different modes with the moniker of "Casual" on MELPA. I wish to
>> pursue publishing them on NonGNU ELPA and seek guidance on how to
>> move forward with this. I have read the README at
>> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/nongnu.git/plain/README.org
>> and believe that these packages all comply with the guidance for
>> package acceptance into NonGNU ELPA.
>> A current listing of the packages that I wish to distribute on NonGNU
>> ELPA can be found at the link
>> https://melpa.org/#/?q=kickingvegas%20casual

For the record, are you proposing for all these packages to be added?


I haven't tried the code yet, and reviewing these will take some time,
but my understanding that this is reinventing a lot of Emacs
functionality using Transient, right?

[ General comment: It would be nice if bug#52058 could be resolved,
  because for my personal taste Transient is not really ready for
  general usage, as it tries to implement its own event loop, instead of
  hooking into Emacs own, which inevitably fails to do.  For example,
  there is a custom binding for isearch, but nothing for occur or other
  search functionality, shadowing all other functionality -- you can't
  even do M-x!  For those of us who dislike frames from popping up I
  would have though that setting `transient-show-popup' to nil would be
  a nice fix, but for some reason you have to toggle the popup with C-t
  instead of C-h.  Perhaps I am just doing something wrong, and there is
  a good explanation for everything...  Sorry for the rant. ]

Do you have any preferred or recommended order in which you think that I
should review the code?  From the names I am guessing that casual-lib is
a dependency that the others share?

Another question that I can only raise now as I haven't looked at the
code in greater detail yet is how deep the transient dependency goes.
Would it be possible to re-use quick-help instead?  I had sketched
something along those lines a few months back, where a map could bind a
pseudo-key to return a `help-quick-sections' like structure.  The
advantage is that you only have to list commands and descriptions,
without trying to bind key again inside of Transient, as I understand it
being the case right now.

>> Thanks and best regards -
>> Charles
> I'm copying in Philip and Stefan Monnier.

Thanks, I missed the message.

        Philip Kaludercic on siskin

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