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Re: Request to distribute Casual packages on NonGNU ELPA

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Request to distribute Casual packages on NonGNU ELPA
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:02:57 +0000

Charles Choi <kickingvegas@gmail.com> writes:

> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-isearch/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-symbol-overlay/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-avy/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-re-builder/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-dired/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-bookmarks/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-calc/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-ibuffer/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-info/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-agenda/
> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-editkit/

I have taken a look at all the repositories, with the exception of
casual-calc, and the mostly seem the follow the same pattern.  I don't
have any special comments on the transient menus and their auxiliary
functions.  A little tip, the casual-...-about commands can be
simplified by just generating a custom *Help* buffer:

diff --git a/lisp/casual-isearch-settings.el b/lisp/casual-isearch-settings.el
index f93aea2..78e2573 100644
--- a/lisp/casual-isearch-settings.el
+++ b/lisp/casual-isearch-settings.el
@@ -45,8 +45,11 @@
   (customize-group "isearch"))
-(defun casual-isearch-about-isearch ()
-  "Casual I-Search is a Transient menu for I-Search.
+(defun casual-isearch-about ()         ;this might be better located in a 
+  "About information for Casual I-Search."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-help-window "*About Casual Isearch*"
+    (princ "Casual I-Search is a Transient menu for I-Search.
 Learn more about using Casual I-Search at our discussion group on GitHub.
 Any questions or comments about it should be made there.
@@ -65,13 +68,7 @@ San Francisco, California.
 Thank you for using Casual I-Search.
-Always choose love."
-  (ignore))
-(defun casual-isearch-about ()
-  "About information for Casual I-Search."
-  (interactive)
-  (describe-function #'casual-isearch-about-isearch))
+Always choose love.")))
 (provide 'casual-isearch-settings)
 ;;; casual-isearch-settings.el ends here
Other than that I can just strongly support the point that others have
raised, that merging the functionality into a single package would be
preferable.  While at it, I would also recommend to keep everything
related to what is currently a single package in one file.  Drop the
...-version.el files, and instead refer the users to use
describe-package (or analogous commands) if they want to know what
version they have installed.

As a upgrade procedure, I would recommend just copying everything into
"casual-suite" and updating the remaining package with a top-level

  (warn "This package has been deprecated, please install `casual-suite'")

A general comment is that I would recommend not treating this as a
commercial product or service.  It is just an Emacs package.

> https://github.com/kickingvegas/casual-suite/


> All my best -
> Charles
> Charles Y. Choi, Ph.D.
> kickingvegas@gmail.com

        Philip Kaludercic on siskin

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