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Re: scratch/windows-98 18e7a9f3d0c: Restore functionality on Windows 98

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: scratch/windows-98 18e7a9f3d0c: Restore functionality on Windows 98
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 11:31:37 -0700

Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> writes:

> Over my dead body.  Supporting Windows 98 is a bare necessity, at least
> so long as I must print documents with a government-registered printer
> from time to time, and the MS-DOS port is an interesting technical
> project, absent which Emacs development will be considerably more dull
> than it is now.  Furthermore, it is today possible to run Emacs on an
> up-to-date MS-DOS system that is 100% Free Software, as not only
> FreeDOS, but the original MS-DOS, are or have apparently been released
> under free licenses, and Emacs is capable of bootstrapping under at
> least the former system.

I understand that you feel strongly about this and enjoy working on it,
but if it's true that it's easy to maintain inside of Emacs, then it
should also be easy to maintain a FreeDOS/MS-DOS version of Emacs
externally, if it comes to that.

Since we aren't planning to make any changes, I guess we can leave it

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