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Re: scratch/windows-98 18e7a9f3d0c: Restore functionality on Windows 98

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: scratch/windows-98 18e7a9f3d0c: Restore functionality on Windows 98
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 06:36:58 -0700

Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> writes:

> Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> writes:
>> In what state has the Windows 98 build been, and for how long?
> Please read last week's Windows 9X thread and the ChangeLog entry, where
> all this was elaborated upon at great length.
> Thanks.

Thanks, I read that, but it didn't answer my questions.

Let me try to reformulate what I'm asking:
- Is the Windows 98 build currently broken?
- How long has the Windows 98 build been broken?

These questions are important, because they will tell us something about
how much use this platform is seeing.  If it's been broken for 10+ years
and no users have noticed, then, well...

> Just remember that, whatever you should conclude, _there is no pretext
> on which to abandon support for Windows 98 to be had from this
> change_, or in the existing condition of NTEmacs.

Tempting as it is to propose that we abandon support for museum machines
(that should properly be running museum software), that's not my
intention here.  I'm merely trying to understand the state of Emacs as
it is now, and what we are planning to do.

At some point, we will abandon support for Windows 98 (and presumably
MS-DOS too) in modern Emacs.  Dropping such support will simplify
various parts of our codebase.  When that will happen is not really my
decision.  I think Eli is the one to say when we should pull the plug.

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