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call-interactively behavior

From: Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)
Subject: call-interactively behavior
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2023 07:38:06 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.14; emacs 28.2

Hi all,

I'm trying to use call-interactively using the following code:

#+begin_src (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "hippie-test")
 (setq-local hippie-expand-try-functions-list
 (use-local-map (copy-keymap text-mode-map))
 (local-set-key (kbd "TAB") 'hippie-expand)

 (insert "~/D")
 (call-interactively (key-binding (kbd "TAB")))
 (call-interactively (key-binding (kbd "TAB")))
 (call-interactively (key-binding (kbd "TAB"))))

In my home root, there are 3 directoriess: ~/Desktop, ~/Downloads and ~/Documents.

When I execute the code above, the final content in the buffer is:

If I switch to the buffer, insert "~/D" and hit tab three times, I cycle over the three directories above, which is the expected behavior. My question is thus: why I don't get the same behavior and what would be the proper way to simulate the tab key press (or any other key)?


Nicolas P. Rougier —— www.labri.fr/perso/nrougier
Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bordeaux

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