João Távora <> writes:
> No, that wasn't it. It probably worked for you because your script clones
> a fresh
> emacs.git repo without installing the pre-commit hooks. When they are in
> place,
> the merge is prevented. I haven't investigated why: there is some logic in
> ~/.git/hooks/pre-commit that supposedly nullifies the hook for merges.
Possible, every time I made changes to script, I had emacs repo hard
reset to upstream master. Maybe try that first?
That doesn't affect the hooks already commited to ~/.git/hooks
The reason we're getting bitten by this is because I'm using a "git worktree"
working tree which shared the ~/.git/ directory with the principal working tree.
I'll add a comment to the gist to warn about this pitfall. Meanwhile, using a fresh
non-git-worktree clone also fixes it.
> Anyway, when the hook is laid to rest, the result is something like what I
> just uploaded to the scratch/eglot2emacs branch:
> This branch will probably be deleted and re-created frequently as we tweak
> the script.
> I hope that isn't a problem. Stefan?
Excellente! And away we go....
Yes, thanks for kicking things off!