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Requires better docstring: icomplete-completions function

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Requires better docstring: icomplete-completions function
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 19:01:13 +0300

This function is not well defined, I would like to use some built-in
Emacs completion that could replace packages that are not
built-in. But this function description does not tell me how
candidates structure looks like or what should be predicate.

icomplete-completions is a compiled Lisp function in ‘icomplete.el’.


Identify prospective candidates for minibuffer completion.

The display is updated with each minibuffer keystroke during
minibuffer completion.

Prospective completion suffixes (if any) are displayed, bracketed by
one of (), [], or {} pairs.  The choice of brackets is as follows:

  (...) - a single prospect is identified and matching is enforced,
  [...] - a single prospect is identified but matching is optional, or
  {...} - multiple prospects, separated by commas, are indicated, and
          further input is required to distinguish a single one.

If there are multiple possibilities, ‘icomplete-separator’ separates them.

The displays for unambiguous matches have ‘ [Matched]’ appended
(whether complete or not), or ‘ [No matches]’, if no eligible
matches exist.

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