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Re: ~Make emacs friendlier: package documentation [POC CODE INCLUDED]

From: Boruch Baum
Subject: Re: ~Make emacs friendlier: package documentation [POC CODE INCLUDED]
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2020 22:55:07 -0400
User-agent: NeoMutt/20180716

On 2020-10-18 22:40, Kévin Le Gouguec wrote:
> Boruch Baum <boruch_baum@gmx.com> writes:
> >> and I'm not exactly sure what using Org-mode buys us in this case.
> >
> > For starters: Navigation, expansion and collapse of sections.
> FWIW, outline-mode now features section-cycling commands (TAB and S-TAB)
> that are very similar to org-mode's (cf. bug#41130).

I'm OK with trying to use outline-minor-mode, but didn't see the
features yet in my version of emacs-snapshot. When will the patches for
41130 be committed and merged?

In the meantime, I've responded to the Stefan's (Kangas) feedback with
modified code, and started looking to a better alternative to posting
entire versions to the list. I see that I have an old old account on
savannah that I don't ever remember using, so I set up an ssh key and
have now been toying unsuccessfully to create a git repository there for
this feature (I'm now calling it org-el-file.el; not a great name yet,
but better than pack-doc).

Do I not have permissions to create a repo on my savannah account? If
not, how can one be created? I'd like three, called: 1) org-el-file
(this thread); 2) key-assist (bug #43709); 3) diredc (not yet shared,
but ready).

The attached version:

  + handles compressed source files

  + marks autoloaded functiions

  + identifies symbol definition

  + aligns symbols names (mostly)

  + labels colophon section

  + starts with commentary section open

  + improves definition regexp

  + attempts to perform substitute-command-keys

    + this turned out to be non-trivial, because the keybindings might
      not yet be defined and the keymap for the related mode might not
      yet be loaded.

    + the current attempt is an improvement, but I'm stuck on removing
      the leading back-slash.

It was very useful getting feedback because Stefan chose an el file with
what I'll call 'badly' (ie. unexpectedly) organized symbols, in the
sense that I was expecting all `defcustom's to be listed together in a
section beginning "^;;; Customization variables:", and so on for symbol
categories ";;; Global variables:", ";;; Buffer-local variables", ";;;
Internal functions:", ";;; Hook functions:", ";;; Interactive
functions:", etc. The new code no longer supposes such orderliness and
consequently retains function names that perform the symbol definitions.

CA45 09B5 5351 7C11 A9D1  7286 0036 9E45 1595 8BC0

Attachment: org-el-file.el
Description: Text document

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