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Re: Where to show message output while inputting [was: New multi-command

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: Where to show message output while inputting [was: New multi-command facility displays in the wrong echo area]
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 21:22:04 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

Hi Stefan,

Eldoc's purpose is different from the purpose of displaying echo-area messages. For example, nothing significantly bad can happen if you miss the Eldoc's hints, but the same is not true for some important echo-area messages.

AFAICS you can't miss them with the proposed solution: they are displayed on the left of the mode-line, with a different background and foreground.

In my setup, the minibuffer is in its own frame, with no mode-line in sight. So indeed I don't get the eldoc hints in `M-:` because they're placed in a non-displayed mode-line. E.g.:

   % src/emacs -Q --eval '(setq default-frame-alist (quote ((minibuffer . 
   M-: (format
   ...wait a little...

...and see that the mode-line doesn't display anything about `format`

I tried your recipe with Emacs 25 to 28, and the modeline _does_ display the eldoc info about 'format', so I'm not quite sure what you mean.

Your remark did, however, prompt me to look closer at this case, and to improve my "minibuffer-message-in-mode-line" feature a second time. I attach its last version. Could you perhaps have a look at/try this, and give your opinion on it? It's an attempt to give a more robust solution to bug#38457.

Attachment: minibuffer-message-in-mode-line.el
Description: Text document

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