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Re: Rethinking the design of xwidgets

From: Aiko Kyle
Subject: Re: Rethinking the design of xwidgets
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2020 15:20:23 -0600
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 28.0.50

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 12:36 PM, Tomas Hlavaty <tom@logand.com> wrote:

some kind of canvas was discussed in

It was discussed in context of a WYSIWYG editor features, and console based pdf viewer emacs-frabuffer and pure elisp pdf generator emacs-pdf.

Eli suggested:

> If you want to do layout for PDF, I think one way forward > would be > to implement a pdfterm.c "terminal" for Emacs, which > produces PDF > like the existing *term.c backends do for supported display > types.

that might be better than some kind of xwidget

I don't immediately see the connection of this proposal to mine. It seems like pdfterm would be a display backend like xterm that renders to PDF, however this is already possible using the x-export-frames command which uses cairo to render the emacs frame to. It seems like the hard part of making Emacs a WYSIWG editor isn't the rendering of the display to pdf, but rather all the features of a WISYWIG editor such as placement of arbitrary text boxes on screen.

It is not clear to me, why a dynamic module would be better.

For example, emacs-framebuffer can display svg images without any dynamic module by using external program, because emacs-nox does not
have cairo or librsvg or NS toolkit.

Ideally, there would be a canvas (e.g. pdfterm) providing low-level drawing primitives (something like html canvas API) and the rest built
on top of that in elisp.

I wasn't previously aware of emacs-framebuffer. It's an interesting idea but I don't think it's very relevant to my goal. It doesn't appear that Emacs is very "aware" of the image with emacs-framebuffer. In otherwords the image won't move inline with the rest of buffer contents will it? The line that the image is on won't have the height of the image?

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