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Re: Un-deprecating oset

From: Jonas Bernoulli
Subject: Re: Un-deprecating oset
Date: Mon, 25 May 2020 19:27:23 +0200

> I thought the whole CL -> CL-lib change was because we didn't want to
> have in Emacs core libraries that stomp on the namespace

FWIW I originally didn't like that move either but am now totally behind
it.  And while I haven't been consistently prefixing all symbols in all
of my own packages, I am coming around here too.  (I did whine a little
when you raised concerns about the prefix-less symbols in Transient, but
have fixed that now and think it is for the better.)

Just mentioning these things (again) so you don't feel like you are up
against someone who opposes the use of package prefixes on principle.

Like Eli I support the whole prefixing endeavor, but feel like there
should be exceptions and apparently I feel pretty strongly that this
ought to be one of those.  ;D

> It seems rather odd that `defclass` is allowed into the core namespace
> while `defstruct` had to be relegated to `cl-defstruct`.

I was wondering about that too, it always seemed like an oversight
to me.  It makes even less sense if you consider `cl-defgeneric'
and `cl-defmethod'.


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