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Re: GNU ELPA package discoverability

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: GNU ELPA package discoverability
Date: Mon, 25 May 2020 18:20:15 +0300

> From: Tim Cross <address@hidden>
> Date: Mon, 25 May 2020 10:21:47 +1000
> Cc: Richard Stallman <address@hidden>, Emacs developers <address@hidden>
>  Aren't these questions answered in ELPA's README?
> No it doesn't. It does answer some of them, but not others (and is probably 
> not
> the right place to answer some of them).
> The ELPA README is certainly a start with respect to basic workflow. 
> Information
> which it lacks that a new developer may want to know or which needs
> clarification includes
> - Who can get push permission to the ELPA git repository?
> - How do you request push permission?
> - The README is a little weak on process when you don't have push permission
> - The instructions re: email to emacs-devel for package developers who do not
>   have push permission does not indicate how to provide the package
>   sources/updates. It says that someone will push it for you, but if you
>   don't have push permission to the git repo, how do you get your code in 
> there
>   to begin with?

So basically what's missing is the write access issue.  That should be
a single sentence: we don't have ELPA write access, only access to the
entire Emacs repository, so they need to request membership in the
Emacs project.

> Questions about what can/should go into ELPA, what should be included in Emacs
> core and what cannot go into ELPA are not addressed at all (the README is
> probably not the right place for this information)

It's quite expected that this is not described, because we are still
arguing about that.

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