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Re: GNU Emacs raison d'etre

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: GNU Emacs raison d'etre
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 19:52:47 -0700

Jean-Christophe Helary <address@hidden>

> which-key seems to do something similar. I like it very much because
> it helps see the rationale behind keybinding. After a while you get to
> learn the bindings for the commands you use the most and you can
> easily explore new commands.

I've used which-key for a couple of years by now.  It has turned out to
be a huge time-saver and great for discovering new commands (or to
remind myself of some less frequently used ones).

I believe that we would have much to gain in terms of being new-user
friendly by having something like this in core, enabled by default.

The package is installable from MELPA, and screenshots are at:

Best regards,
Stefan Kangas

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