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Re: Scrolling commands and skipping redisplay, was: Re: emacs rendering

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Scrolling commands and skipping redisplay, was: Re: emacs rendering comparisson between emacs23 and emacs26.3
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2020 21:37:08 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.4.1

On 09.04.2020 16:19, Stefan Monnier wrote:
BTW, you can also set `jit-lock-defer-time` to 0 in which case jit-lock
is deferred iff there's input pending.
[ This refinement of `jit-lock-defer-time` was introduced last time
   this kind of discussion took place, which is also the time
   `fast-but-imprecise-scrolling` was introduced.  ]

Thanks. I tried it (and mentioned in the parent thread), but it seems like in addition to the downsides of f-b-i-s (imprecise scrolling, which apparently makes it a bad candidate for default behavior) it adds some extra flickering from time to time (I figured because some redisplays occurred before the idle timer had the chance to run). It's not as obvious in an 'emacs -Q' session, but with my custom config it's more apparent. And that flickering occurs the most while I'm flooring C-v.

Is it possible that the conditions for skipping redisplay might return false while input-pending-p returns t? Then redisplay will occur, but if that coincides with an unfontified screenful, the screen will be rendered unfontified? That doesn't explain the additional frames where that highlighting is added, however.

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