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Re: set font size with ctrl-mouse wheel?

From: Leo
Subject: Re: set font size with ctrl-mouse wheel?
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 21:28:43 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

On 2009-07-30 20:18 +0100, Drew Adams wrote:
>> Like I said, Emacs already has something for it. There is 
>> little use to put in some extra non-standard, uncommon and
>> clumsy feature.
> 1. Just because Emacs has one way to do something is not a reason it shouldn't
> also have other ways to do it. If you applied that logic, you could remove
> everything except `M-:' or `C-x C-e'.

Firstly, just because Microsoft has something standard in their
applications, it should be added to Emacs? There might be a lot of
windows users but only a very small proportion use Emacs.

Secondly, if you stretch any argument to an extreme extent, it will
fail. Try your arguments and you will see none of them holds water.

The point is: C-x C-= is comparable to C-Mouse4/5 and it gives the user
a more precise control.

> 2. It's not clear at all that `C-=' etc. are more standard than
>C-wheel. But
> even if they were, see point #1.
> 3. There is nothing uncommon or clumsy about C-wheel. (a) It is very
> common. (b) You haven't shown that it is "clumsy".

Point 2 and 3 just show how little you have spent outside Microsoft

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