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[Duplicity-talk] including paths on a different filesystem?

From: Andrew Kohlsmith (mailing lists account)
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] including paths on a different filesystem?
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 23:02:10 -0500

Good evening,

I have a few volumes mounted under /mnt, and I'm trying to include them in a 
backup that starts from /. I am getting an error back from duplicity saying 
that the file specification does not match any files in the base directory.

My basic backup recipe is as follows:

cat << EOF > ${INCFILE}

duplicity --full-if-older-than ${FULL_BACKUP_INTERVAL} --archive-dir 
${ARCHIVEDIR}/main --volsize 630 --encrypt-key ${BACKUPKEY} --encrypt-key 
${PERSONALKEY} --include-globbing-filelist ${INCFILE} --exclude '**' / 

The error is specifically about +/mnt/somevol/somedir:

Fatal Error: The file specification
cannot match any files in the base directory
Useful file specifications begin with the base directory or some
pattern (such as '**') which matches the base directory.

I *think* this is happening because /mnt/somevol is not on the same filesystem 
as /, but I don't see a way to say this is ok.

Am I barking up the wrong tree? Is there something in the documentation that I 
have missed in the several times I've gone over it?

This is with duplicity 0.6.08b from the Ubuntu 10.04 repositories.


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