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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Quick Question: full and remove-older-than

From: Richard Scott
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Quick Question: full and remove-older-than
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 12:19:00 -0000 (UTC)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.5.1


I don't know if my way is correct, but so far it works for me ;-) I do a 
"remove-all-but-n-full 1
--force" when doing a full backup each Sunday morning. That seems to work for 
me as I don't need
historical backups so a weekly full backup is enough for me to restore my data 
should I need to.

I don't know if its the case still, but it used to be suggested not to let the 
time between a full
backup and the next full backup to be too long as the incremental chain may 
break. This is why I
always leave 1 full backup in place just incase ;-)

I'm not sure if this is more stable now so this may no longer be the case.
Does anyone have any advice on this?


> Hi Everyone -
> Been spending a little time working on getting duplicity up and
> running on my home file server; so far, things are coming along nicely.  
> Thanks a lot for this!  Am
> in the final stages are getting a script together that can be run in cron for 
> automated nightly
> backups ... my question is about the "full" and "remove-older-than" options.
> Supposing I didn't want to save any files that I had removed from my
> server after thirty days -- what is the best way to implement "full" and 
> "remove-older-than"
> options ?
> Does it make sense to run a "full" backup once a month and then,
> immediately after a "remove-older-than 30D" ?  Or should I run full backups 
> more frequently ?  Or
> less ?
> I don't think I completely understand the power/approach of the
> incremental backup, and would appreciate any guidance you may have on how to 
> manage a potentially
> ever growing backup tree.
> Thanks,
> Damon
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