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Re: [Duplicity-talk] 0.4.3.RC4 Ready for Test

From: Dennis Schulz
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] 0.4.3.RC4 Ready for Test
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2007 22:41:57 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070326)

I do not get a stracktrace. The program will exit.
As an attachment you will find the output of my verifyscript with increased debugging-output.

dAniel hAhler schrieb:
On 6/3/07, Dennis Schulz <address@hidden> wrote:
I've finished my test last night. Backup-process works for now but the
verify-method gives an similiar behavior like the backup-process before
your patches.

Dennis, it would be interesting to see the backtrace stack where the
exception occurs. This should get printed with the last retry.

You can accelerate the retries by setting RETRY_SLEEP to 0 in
backends.py (should be around line 342).

Duplicity-talk mailing list

gpg: CAST5 verschlüsselte Daten
gpg: Verschlüsselt mit einer Passphrase
Caught exception socket.timeout: timed out (#1), sleeping 0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#2), sleeping 
0s before retry..
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
Main action: verify
Listing files on FTP server
FTP: nlst ()
*cmd* 'TYPE A'
*put* 'TYPE A\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to A\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to A'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)'
*cmd* 'NLST'
*put* 'NLST\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
*get* '226 Transfer OK\r\n'
*resp* '226 Transfer OK'
Ignoring file 'dfs.jj2c62.st.g'
Collection Status
Connecting with backend: ftpBackend
Archive dir: None

Found a complete backup chain with matching signature chain:
Chain start time: Sun Jun  3 15:58:50 2007
Chain end time: Sun Jun  3 15:58:50 2007
Number of contained backup sets: 1
Total number of contained volumes: 155
 Type of backup set:                            Time:      Num volumes:
                Full         Sun Jun  3 15:58:50 2007               155

Found 0 backup chains without signatures.
No orphaned or incomplete backup sets found.
Retrieving df.jj2c62.m.g from FTP server
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.m.g', <built-in method write of file object at 
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.m.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.m.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
*get* '226 Transfer OK\r\n'
*resp* '226 Transfer OK'
Deleting /tmp/tmpZNgHvA
Retrieving df.jj2c62.1.dt.g from FTP server
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,12)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,12)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#3), 
sleeping 0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#4), sleeping 
0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#5), sleeping 
0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#6), sleeping 
0s before retry..
PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,13)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,13)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golfCaught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by 
peer') (#7), sleeping 0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#8), sleeping 
0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#9), sleeping 
0s before retry..
620', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYCaught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') 
(#10), sleeping 0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#11), 
sleeping 0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#12), 
sleeping 0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#13), 
sleeping 0s before retry..
PE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 CoCaught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') 
(#14), sleeping 0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.error: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') (#15), 
sleeping 0s before retry..
Caught exception socket.timeout: timed out (16 exceptions in total), giving up..
[('/usr/local/bin/duplicity', 373, '?', 'if __name__ == "__main__": main()'), 
('/usr/local/bin/duplicity', 355, 'main', 'elif action == "verify": 
verify(col_stats)'), ('/usr/local/bin/duplicity', 265, 'verify', 'for 
backup_ropath, current_path in collated:'), 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/diffdir.py', 170, 
'collate2iters', 'try: relem1 = riter1.next()'), 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/patchdir.py', 431, 
'integrate_patch_iters', 'for patch_seq in collated:'), 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/patchdir.py', 332, 
'yield_tuples', 'setrorps(overflow, elems)'), 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/patchdir.py', 321, 
'setrorps', 'try: elems[i] = iter_list[i].next()'), 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/patchdir.py', 92, 
'difftar2path_iter', 'tarinfo_list = [tar_iter.next()]'), 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/patchdir.py', 284, 'next', 
'if not self.tarfile: self.set_tarfile()'), 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/patchdir.py', 279, 
'set_tarfile', 'self.current_fp = self.fileobj_iter.next()'), 
('/usr/local/bin/duplicity', 211, 'get_fileobj_iter', 
'manifest.volume_info_dict[vol_num])'), ('/usr/local/bin/duplicity', 227, 
'restore_get_enc_fileobj', 'backend.get(filename, tdp)'), 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/backends.py', 456, 'get', 
('/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/duplicity/backends.py', 408, 
'error_wrap', 'log.FatalError("Caught exception %s: %s (%d exceptions in 
total), giving up..\\nTraceback:\\n%s" % (')]
nnection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,10)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*cmd* 'QUIT'
*put* 'QUIT\r\n'
FTP: connect ('host.net',)
*get* '220 FTP-Server ready!\r\n'
*resp* '220 FTP-Server ready!'
FTP: login ('golf', 'xxxxxxxx')
*cmd* 'USER golf'
*put* 'USER golf\r\n'
*get* '331 Password required for golf\r\n'
*resp* '331 Password required for golf'
*cmd* 'PASS *****'
*put* 'PASS *****\r\n'
*get* '230 Logged on\r\n'
*resp* '230 Logged on'
*cmd* 'CWD test'
*put* 'CWD test\r\n'
*get* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.\r\n'
*resp* '250 CWD successful. "/test" is current directory.'
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,9)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'
FTP: retrbinary ('RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g', <built-in method write of file object 
at 0xb78b5de0>)
*cmd* 'TYPE I'
*put* 'TYPE I\r\n'
*get* '200 Type set to I\r\n'
*resp* '200 Type set to I'
*cmd* 'PASV'
*put* 'PASV\r\n'
*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)\r\n'
*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode (W,X,Y,Z,20,11)'
*cmd* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g'
*put* 'RETR df.jj2c62.1.dt.g\r\n'
*get* '150 Connection accepted\r\n'
*resp* '150 Connection accepted'

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