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Re: Graphos.app : error whith make

From: Ivan Vucica
Subject: Re: Graphos.app : error whith make
Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 23:17:11 +0100
User-agent: NeoMutt/20180716

On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 12:06:47AM +0200, Patrick Cardona via Discussion list 
for the GNUstep programming environment wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> As You and Fred suggested, the unset method dit it well.
> My GNUstep environment has been set in a new fresh raspbian installation 
> (Buster) : so it is clean : no older GNUstep installation.
> So your hypothesis about a conflict between WindowMaker, wdm and 
> the gnustep metapackage from raspbian seems to be a clue.
> I try to investigate this.

To confirm, you *only* installed gnustep-make, gnustep-base, gnustep-gui etc
from Raspbian repositories? You have *not* attempted to install GNUstep from
Raspbian repositories, and then attempted to upgrade using the source code we

This will be an unsupported configuration, and you should not attempt to
simultaneously have installed the packaged core libraries and core libraries
built from source. (You can, of course, build libs and apps beyond the core
libraries once you've picked *exactly one origin* of -make and -base binaries.)

>From the way you phrased it, I believe you aren't attempting to do this, but
I'd like to confirm and be clear that this is the situation you're in. If I
remember correctly, uninstalling Debian (therefore also Raspbian) packages may
leave some files around, such as /etc/GNUstep.conf, possibly even GNUstep.sh.

If you choose to build one of the core libraries, you should carefully clean
*everything* installed by the packages provided by your distro.

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