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Re: linphone, still free?

From: Craig Topham
Subject: Re: linphone, still free?
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 15:48:37 -0800
User-agent: Icedove Mail

On 12/13/24 10:51, Lorenzo L. Ancora wrote:
Hi Craig,
nice to discuss with you again.

This issue seems to be about the android version I haven't found any 
information about this binary library being used in the desktop version.
Can users of the free versions chat, audio-call or video-call with users of the 
non-free binary?
It seems reasonable that they can.
By reasonable, do you also mean acceptable when it happens without the user 
What could be the ethical and safety implications?

I'm not sure I am following. Do you mean if I chat/audio/video from my computer with a free version of Linphone to a user on an android device with the nonfree version of Linphone, that I should be responsible for the other's use of nonfree software?
I would simply make them aware of the nonfree software they are using 
and suggest they find a free software solution. I honestly can't tell. 
Is this what you are getting at?
〜 Lorenzo

All the best,

Craig Topham
Copyright & Licensing Associate
Free Software Foundation
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Boston, MA 02110
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