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"New from Current" - an instant "template" from your current score.

From: Richard Shann
Subject: "New from Current" - an instant "template" from your current score.
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 10:55:31 +0000

I have noticed that using a template for starting a new score in a
series of such scores involves a certain amount of tedium and scope for
error. Joe Wilkinson's post highlighted further snags when mirrored
staffs are involved.
So I've created a new command File->New from Current which turns the
current score into a new score with the same staffs but without the
music. It prompts for key and time signature and for any possible
changes to titles.
It also "refreshes" any mirrored staffs - to do this without having to
ask which staff is being mirrored each time I've updated the mirrored
staff commands to store the number of the staff being mirrored
explicitly. (So refresh any ones you have created with previous
versions of Denemo to get this feature).

This built for windows last night and has passed the build checks -
I've also fixed a bug which could crash Denemo during Split Movement.


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