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Re: [Denemo-devel] Linux Installation

From: Edgar Aichinger
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Linux Installation
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 09:20:18 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.14.6 (Linux/3.16.7-21-desktop; KDE/4.14.6; x86_64; ; )

Am Dienstag, 12. Mai 2015, 14:39:48 schrieb Cantor Stuart Binder:
> I am trying to get a clear picture of the best installation procedure for
> Denemo in Linux. 
> The binary is not up to date in the Debian distributions (Ubuntu Rebecca has
> 1.1.0, Debian jessIe currently has ver. 1.1.8). Very likely, the majority of
> Linux users are going to get Denemo 1.1.0, because that's what you get if
> you install it with apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, etc.  So (until we get
> updated binaries into the distros) the only ways to install the current
> Denemo version are:
> 1. Build from source or 
> 2. Use the binary available at
> Each of these has some issues. Building from source is not for everyone, not
> necessarily straightforward even for the experienced. The binary on the
> website allows you to run the program, but doesn't do a proper install, and
> doesn't add Denemo to any DTE  menu. None of these issues is insurmountable,
> but they would definitely get in the way of a novice user trying out the
> program. So my questions are: 1. Is there a simple Linux install method for
> Denemo that just works? And 2. Does anyone know how to get the current
> version of Denemo into the linux distros so that it can be installed with a
> package manager?

There still are more distros and packageing formats than Debian/Ubuntu and 
derivatives, and .deb

I for one am packaging the latest released denemo in RPM format for openSUSE, 
and as a "side effect" also build Fedora rpms in my Open Build Service project.
A while ago we (Jeremiah and me) were even trying to make it build .deb 
packages, which certainly should be possible, but IIRC it failed due to a 
missing build dependency and I lost momentum to work on that (I never used a 
.deb based distro myself for more than maybe running a preinstalled system on a 
friend's laptop, or a live cd). If someone wants to look at it and help me get 
it building, I'm all up for it, here's the link to the files in my home:edogawa 

Debian and Ubuntu builds are deactivated at the moment, so there are no logs to 
watch. IIRC the error was about missing libxml2-dev, which could not be 
provided because it's not in the standard package sources that OBS imports. So, 
if libxml2 isn't hit by licensing issues or proprietary limitations, the step 
to do would be to build it inside my project in order to have it available as 
build dependency.

Also I have to mention that my time for stuff like this will be limited during 
the next 2-3 weeks t least.


> Stuart Binder
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