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[Denemo-devel] RefreshDisplay and MIDI playback controls

From: Richard Shann
Subject: [Denemo-devel] RefreshDisplay and MIDI playback controls
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 11:11:38 +0000

I have done some work on these, and in the course of it came across the
fact that d-RefreshDisplay was marking the current score as altered.
I think this is such a bad name that I have changed it to just
refreshing the display. However, there may be scripts that were
exploiting it, and these will need a new procedure d-MarkScoreAsAltered
which I will install if needed.

You can now set your music looping over a portion of your music and edit
the notes until they please you.

There are still some wrinkles in the behavior (e.g. the playback markers
extend only over one staff, and the master tempo control does not behave
nicely after a pause - you can drop the tempo to 0 to pause as well)

I have done all my work against a fluidsynth  version - those parts of
the code not common with jack will need upgrading...


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