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Re: Compiling the whoamI problem

From: Caipenghui
Subject: Re: Compiling the whoamI problem
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2019 15:24:39 +0000

于 April 16, 2019 3:18:51 PM UTC, Eric Blake <address@hidden> 写到:
>On 4/16/19 10:08 AM, Caipenghui wrote:
>>> But again, an EXACT transcript of what you have tried typing and the
>>> resulting error messages will go a lot further at helping us
>>> where you are missing steps.
>> Will this replace the version of the / bin command on my system?
>Merely running './configure && make' will not replace anything on your
>system. If you want to replace something, then 'make install' or
>manually copying the just-built binary from your build tree into the
>final system-wide location will be required (hence you often see
>instructions recommending './configure && make && sudo make install').
>What's more, the default './configure' will not result in 'make
>actually overwriting /bin/whoami, because the default is to install
>/usr/local/bin; you have to use './configure --prefix=...' to install
>into a different location.
>Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
>Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3226
>Virtualization: |

Oh, so idea! I just want to get some useful header files.

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