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Re: "full" man pages, please?

From: Reuti
Subject: Re: "full" man pages, please?
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2017 11:36:15 +0100


> Am 21.03.2017 um 09:24 schrieb Harald Dunkel <address@hidden>:
> Hi folks,
> I highly appreciate your work to provide excellent tools for
> decades.
> There is one thing I would like to ask for, though: Would you
> mind to support "full" man pages instead of the "full-docu-can-
> be-found-in-info-or-on-the-web-only" pages (e.g. dd(1), cpio(1))?

I want to second this. Although I have a look at the info pages sometimes, it 
seems to be handy mostly on an US keyboard as the navigation is done often with 
brackets - this is not only one keystroke on german keyboards as you need the 
modifier key to reach it. I see the advantage of course, to get a nice output 
also in printed form from the same source and a better navigation to 
cross-references – once you get known to the navigation.

A nice output of man pages one can get from man pages itself too (for german 
paper size):

groff -man -Tps -P-pA4 <(zcat /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz) >

-- Reuti

> Advantages:
> - no break in your regular workflow, regardless on which
>  unix-like system you are logged in or which man page you
>  try to access
> - no page breaks, but full documentation on a single page.
>  Its very easy to navigate.
> - focused on providing the information. The user interface
>  is provided by more or less, common to other tools.
> I am not asking you to drop the info pages, of course, but IMHO
> keeping things simple and the DOTADIW approach should still be
> considered as a major feature of Unix-like systems.
> Please keep on your good work
> Harri

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