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[Chicken-users] http-client: distinguishing between responses 301 and 30

From: Norman Gray
Subject: [Chicken-users] http-client: distinguishing between responses 301 and 302
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 18:19:22 +0100


In http-client, is there any way of distinguishing between server responses 301 and 302?

In test code, I want to confirm that a server is responding with the correct redirection code, but can't quite get there.

If I make a request using call-with-input-request and the server produces a redirection, then the client code follows the redirection.

If I parameterise that with (parameterize ((max-redirect-depth 0)) ...), then the client library doesn't follow the redirection but instead raises (exn http redirect-depth-exceeded). That's almost there, except that the exception doesn't contain information about _which_ redirection, 301 or 302, prompted it. Using (condition->list), I get

redirect-depth-exceeded: e=#<condition: (exn http redirect-depth-exceeded)>
(exn (arguments ("http://localhost:8081/host/";))
  (message "Maximum number of redirects exceeded")
  (location send-request))
  (request #<request>)
(new-uri #<URI-common: scheme=http port=8081 host="localhost" path=(/ "top" "host") query=() fragment=#f>) (uri #<URI-common: scheme=http port=8081 host="localhost" path=(/ "host" "") query=() fragment=#f>)))

The documentation for call-with-input-request* doesn't suggest that it behaves differently from call-with-input-request in this respect. And although call-with-response mentions the possibility of redirects, and multiple calls to 'reader', it doesn't suggest that the reader procedure has any access to the response headers.

Is there any other way of getting this status code, or do I feel an enhancement request coming on?

Possibly better than this handling of redirect-depth-exceeded would be a parameter follow-redirects? which defaults to #t, or having call-with-input-request return normally (ie, without the exception) in the particular case that max-redirect-depth is 0.

I'm using Chicken 4, but as far as I can see, the Chicken 5 http-client is identical in this behaviour.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :

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