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Re: [certi-dev] Git clone of CERTI CVS tree / SVN?

From: Martin Spott
Subject: Re: [certi-dev] Git clone of CERTI CVS tree / SVN?
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 21:17:31 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: tin/1.9.3-20080506 ("Dalintober") (UNIX) (Linux/ (x86_64))

Hi Petr, Eric,

"Gotthard, Petr" wrote:

> # There's only two reasons why I use Subversion: because I can install
> # it with three mouse clicks and because I can use it with three mouse
> # clicks.
> http://kerneltrap.org/index.php?q=mailarchive/git/2006/7/31/209432

Well, that's an extremely old one, a lot has changed in the meantime.
Yet I have to admit that I never tried using _any_ SCM on Windows  ;-)

> For example, I was not able to install GIT under Windows at all.

I guess it won't catch you by surprise that I'd add my vote in for
using GIT  ;-)  - even though it doesn't make any significant
difference for me as a pure "end user".
On our MapServer site we're hosting various GIT mirrors or CVS
repositories plus an 'authoritative' GIT repository ('terragear-cs').
The latter is maintained from Linux-clients as well as from Windows
people - both using SSH as a tunnel. As far as I know, the
Windows-folks are using MSysGit:


>From my perspective, switching to GIT _now_ would be advantageous
because you'd be able to pick the the entire tree from our mirror at
the MapServer site and import it into Savannah, including the various
branches, without further conversion, even retaining all the unique
commit ID's and comments.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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