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Re: [Bug-xorriso] About run xorriso under Win32

From: gary jiang
Subject: Re: [Bug-xorriso] About run xorriso under Win32
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 10:38:53 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.4.0

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your update!

On 2014/11/20 20:46, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

i have uploaded a new development snapshot:


MD5 is b0aaf0312f8f07f4311cc67a764a3450.
After building xorriso, the command
   xorriso/xorriso -version
should tell
   xorriso version   :  1.3.9
   Version timestamp :  2014.11.20.115650
(or higher)
I tried to compile the new package with cygwin, and there are some compile errs:

1. libisofs/system_area.h:179: error: conflicting type for 'iso_crc32_gpt'
libisofs/libisofs.h:4055: error: previous declaration of 'iso_crc32_gpt' was here
    libisofs/system_area.h:179: error: conflicting type for 'iso_crc32_gpt'
libisofs/libisofs.h:4055: error: previous declaration of 'iso_crc32_gpt' was here For this one, I changed the return type of 'iso_crc32_gpt' from 'unsigned int' to 'uint32_t' in system_area.h

2. libisofs/util.c: In function 'iso_datetime_7':
    libisofs/util.c:1577: error: wrong type argument to unary minus
    libisofs/util.c: In function 'iso_datetime_17':
    libisofs/util.c:1623: error: wrong type argument to unary minus

3. xorriso/misc_funct.c:649: error: invalid operands to binary -

Seems both 2 and 3 are caused by 'timezone', I comment the related lines out just for a workaround.
The 1.3.8 package also has error 1 and 3, sorry for not mention that before.

Improvements (hopefully):

If read(2) does not return the requested number of bytes,
the function lfs_read() will try to read the missing ones
by subsequend read(2) calls.

If End-Of-File occurs before the requested number of bytes
is read, then a clearer message is issued:
   libisofs: FAILURE : Cannot read all bytes from El Torito boot image for boot 
info table
   libisofs: FAILURE : Read error
   xorriso : FAILURE : Failed to prepare session write run
Yes, I got the above message with those modifications for the compile errors

In the latter case we will have to investigate the reason
why isolinux/isolinux.bin is registered in the filesystem
with 24576 but delivers less bytes on read(2).

Dim idea:

For some reason the reading could be done in text mode.
This would eat CR characters from text ends and thus could
explain the lack of 35 characters.
(Although my isolinux.bin examples lose only 15 bytes
  if i convert all CRLF to LF.)

suggests to link with -lbinmode.
This could be done by editing Makefile and adding it to the
line which begins by "LIBS = ". Its actual content depends on
what ./configure detected. E.g.
   - LIBS = -lbz2 -lz -lacl  -lreadline
   + LIBS = -lbz2 -lz -lacl  -lreadline -lbinmode
The run
   make clean && make
and try whether the change did help.
Thanks for the info, I changed the xorrios-1.3.9's Makefile according to the above change,
unfortunately the same error is still appeared:

libisofs: FAILURE : Cannot read all bytes from El Torito boot image for boot 
info table

Best Regards,

Have a nice day :)


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