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Re: make problem...

From: Hans-Bernhard Broeker
Subject: Re: make problem...
Date: 4 Feb 2002 15:18:32 GMT

Matthew Sullivan <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,

> I have a problem with make and my makefile.... without reason (it
> seems), it has stopped working...follows is all the detail I think you
> will need to tell me where I fscked up, and/or what's wrong....

My bet would be that you have an extraneous isolated <TAB> character
at the start of the line in the Makefile following this one:

> proxy.o: proxy.c extern.h defines.h

This tells make that the command to update this target, "proxy.o", is
*empty*.  I.e. no command has to be executed to create proxy.o,
according to this Makefile, which clearly is not what you want.

> address@hidden sock-check]$ cat logfile
> proxy.o: proxy.c extern.h defines.h
> #  Implicit rule search has not been done.
> #  File does not exist.
> #  File has been updated.
> #  Successfully updated.
> #  commands to execute (from `Makefile', line 32):

Yes, there it is.  Notice how the commands to execute are an empty
string, compared to the other *.o files, where it is

        $(COMPILE.c) $<

Hans-Bernhard Broeker (address@hidden)
Even if all the snow were burnt, ashes would remain.

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