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Re: ls needs switch to put directories on top

From: Raymond Toy
Subject: Re: ls needs switch to put directories on top
Date: 22 Jun 2001 08:27:41 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.5 (anise)

>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Jacobson <address@hidden> writes:

    Dan> ls needs a switch to put directories on top.
    Dan> when used with -l the output should look like ls -l|sort, except
    Dan> 'total' belongs on top.  indeed, -X doesn't know that directories are
    Dan> different file types and just sorts by their extensions as if they
    Dan> were regular files.

    Dan> On Windows putting directories on top is a default.  I'm amazed I
    Dan> can't do it on GNU/Linux.  If there was a handy switch, I could pass
    Dan> it to emacs' (dired DIRNAME &optional SWITCHES)

Hmm, I just use ls -F to put a / after each directory.   That's good
enough for me.


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