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Re: [Bayonne-devel] Maxinum Inbound phone support

From: Stephen Barclay
Subject: Re: [Bayonne-devel] Maxinum Inbound phone support
Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 11:03:02 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070509)

To all,

  I had replied off list to Julien and after looking at the info in the
email decided it would be more helpful if I posted it to the list for
everyone to see..

It addresses 2 issues

  Supporting more than 10 T1's in Bayonne 1.2.15

  Hardware configuration and loading while using
  a large number of ports..

Here goes...

When the code was failing at pipe(evbuf) I went searching and the solution
was quite simple..

Go to the following directory in your LiS source (mine is /usr/local/src/LiS-2.16.16)

cd /usr/local/src/LiS-2.16.16/drivers/str

edit  the file "Config"

make the following change

#       name            prefix  major   n-minors  n-majors
driver  clone-drvr      clone_  *
# *OLD* driver  fifo            fifo_   *       512
*driver fifo fifo_ * 768 <---increased to 768 *driver loop-around sloop_ *
driver  mini-mux        mux_    *
driver  printk          printk_ *
driver  link-drvr       ldl_    *
driver  sad             sad_    *

Now recompile LiS and re-run the Dialogic (save your dialogic.cfg if you have

Code now will allow you past 10 T1s'

I do need to elaborate on the 312, I have 5 D240SC-T1's and 5 D240SC-2T1's I modified Bayonne to not to try to attach voice resources to every channel and use the excess ports without voice resource to call out to bridge if the user
wants to talk to customer service etc..

So Really I have 10 spans Dialing 230 ports, at 80% and then up to 50% can bridge.. With the dial time/ bridge being active, I never get anywhere near
the 230 X 8000 bandwidth limit.. Sorry to be misleading.. The post I was
replying to was having issues with 16 ports.. and I know Bayonne can handle
that easily.


Stephen Barclay
stephen 'at'

andrew wong wrote:
Dear Stephen,

Thanks very much!

May I know the hardware config to support such level bayonne configuration?

It would be great help too if it's not mind to share some examples of server.conf and driver.conf to support large number parallel calls with Bayonne.


2007/7/5, Stephen Barclay <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>:

    andrew wong wrote:
    > Dear all,
    > We're setting up IVR/Call center server with Bayonne and
    recently we just
    > did a 16-way parallel call testing and the result is quite
    > disappointed. e.g.
    > great delay,
    > the ccscript hang after a few minutes, user A's press button
    > user
    > B, etc.
    > I know that the main course maybe the configuration/ccscript and
    > problem since we're
    > using China made Synway telephony broads.  Just hope to ask if there
    > is any
    > successful case
    > of using Bayonne and the maximum numbers of concurrent call
    > Thanks very much!
    > Andrew
    > _______________________________________________
    > Bayonne-devel mailing list
    > address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>

       Just as a benchmark

       I use Bayonne 1.2.15 and Dialogic (Global Call) and I have 312
    per machine
       and can get to 80% capacity.. This is all outbound dialing to

       We dial out, do answer detection, play message and elicit dtmf
    responses and store
       to database..

       To get past the 10 T1 limit I had to tweak LiS  (increase the
    of fifo's) otherwise
       code would die creating pipe's...


    Stephen Barclay
    stephen 'at' <>

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